Keywords = -
Motor vehicles and clean air

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 37-41

Taghi Initiative

Energy impact on the environment in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 42-49

Ramesh Zrvany

Nuclear fuel cycle technology (2)

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 50-54

Jamshid Kamali

Gamma radiation exposure control and Research Center Services

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 54-60

Mustafa S·hrabpvr

Ayzrhay powerful energy of light-

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 62-64

Hussein Glnby

Introduction Book

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 64-68

Conference Proceedings

Volume 10, No . 7, July 1994, Pages 69-72

Energy research priorities in the country.

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 3-11

Energy Studies in India

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 11-21

Yadollah Sbvhy

Prospective information on technology transfer

vol. 9, Issue 5, July 1993, Pages 13-19

Nzamaldyn Faghih; R. Sarfaraz

International oil market developments and prospects in the 90s (1)

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 22-30

Ali Asghar Arshi

The role of technology in national development

vol. 9, Issue 5, July 1993, Pages 19-26

Hyvng Svpchvy


vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 31-35

Deal with the ambiguity of the real world

vol. 9, Issue 5, July 1993, Pages 27-35

Appreciation of the former president of Sharif University of Technology

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 36-38


vol. 9, Issue 5, July 1993, Pages 36-40

University management and its role in training human resources specialist

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 39-44

The importance of new technologies to achieve energy

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 45-51

Mohammad Haji-Saeid

The situation at the end of this century, nuclear energy technology and processes that

vol. 9, 6- ویژه "انرژی و جایگاه آن در ایران", July 1993, Pages 52-67

Mohammad Bagher Ghofrani

A report from the Computing Center of Sharif

vol. 9, Issue 5, July 1993, Pages 49-54

Shahriar Pvrazyn