Dylmqany, Mitra
Catalog Search "Sheriff" quinquennium [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 83-87]
Kayvani, J.
Graduate Studies in the past and future (1) [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 3-23]
Maqdari, Ali
Review and compare the costs of education in engineering disciplines in some universities outside Iran [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 24-28]
M. Bekaa, D.
We next century chemistry and education strategy [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 29-36]
Salehi, Ali Akbar
Graduate Studies in the past and future (1) [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 3-23]
Shafei, Gholamreza
Technology, organization and cooperation [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 37-42]
Sydrvfsky, Frank
Engineering education in the United States of America and Hungary [Vol.13, No . 14, 1998, Pages 42-43]
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