Document Type : Research Note
Dept. of Project and Construction Management Tarbiat Modares University
Dept. of Project and Construction Management-Tarbiat Modares University
Dept. of Public Administration \nTarbiat Modares University
Dept. of Economics-Allame Tabatabaee University
Nowadays, using Public Private Partnership (PPP) has increased in many countries. Many infrastructure projects have been developed with PPP worldwide by utilizing BOT-type arrangements. Also, in Iran, many infrastructures have been developed in power electricity generation, water and wastewater, transportation, telecom, etc., by BOT-type contracts. Now, two questions about the success of these projects are raised: Are these projects successful (what are the success criteria)? and How can we increase the probability of successful implementation of them (what are the success factors)?. The investigations of the recent studies have shown that they could not assess the success of PPP/BOT projects properly. In previous researches, the phenomenon of investment context to some extent has been ignored. Using an innovative approach, we believe that the success of phenomenon at PPP/BOT must be considered comprehensively by concentration on investment context. Multi-level research paradigm has proper potentials to reach this concentration. Our objectives in this manuscript are to introduce the success framework of PPP/BOT at comprehensive format. Using qualitative content analysis as the research methodology in the previous PPP/BOT researches, we introduce the new framework of success criteria and factors for PPP/BOT projects at multi-level. This framework encompasses three levels of success criteria and factors at PPP/BOT projectlevel, at industry level (i.e., power, water, transportation, telecom, hospital, education, etc.), and at national PPP/BOT program level. Therefore, VFM/efficiency of project, profitability, and legal framework are success criteria. In addition, realignment of public mindset, anti-collusion and corruption regulations, proper risk management, increasing of capabilities, proper stakeholder management, proper project selection, proper financial engineering, proper tendering system, competition, and proper partnership are the success factors at project level. VFM/efficiency of industry and increasing the quality of services are success criteria; policy development, standardization, support, education and culture are success factors at industry level. In addition, increasing VFM for taxpayers, efficiency of economy, and percentage of privately financing are success criteria; policy development, proper national laws,accountability and commitment, economic stability and business-friendly environment, financial and capital market availability, and good governance are success factors at national level.